21 Sep
The art of Impressionism: Mary Cassatt
September 21, 2024

Time: 14h - 17h           Price: €50 regular / €5 with Stadspas

This workshop is part of a Workshops Series entitled “HerArt” focussing on female artists and their work. The current workshop is dedicated to Mary Cassatt, an American painter. You will learn about her life, career, and techniques. In the first part of the workshop, there will be a session of quick sketches to capture movement and the basics of the human form. Additionally, we will have a session on how to  use color like the Impressionists, experimenting with light and movement. In the second part of the workshop, you will create your own Impressionist art piece.

Duration: 3 hrs. 

Workshop breakdown:

  • Short introduction of the artist and of the group (15-30min)
  • Short history class about Mary Cassatt and her career. We will also talk about the main characteristics of Impressionism. Round of questions(30 min)
  • Group Activity: Session of fast drawings, playing with lights, colors and movement. Putting in practice the main techniques of Impressionism (40 min)

    Break (20 min)
  • Individual Impressionist art piece (45 min)
  • You will select your own materials (you can share paint and brushes) 
  • You will select your own scene (it can be a moment from everyday life, a natural landscape) and capture the ‘moment’ (inside or outside of the classroom depending on the weather) 
  • Wrapping up and farewell (15 min)

No experience required. Materials and snacks included.


Language: EN / SP

Marcela Perrusquia
tt. neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam, NH