Dates: June 22nd - August 25th Times: TBC Free
A nomadic platform for exhibitions within Treehouse NDSM. Each month, a different project in a different empty space. For the first edition, our outside display window will show “Doolhoofd” by resident Eveline Alders.
Talk with Eveline Alders during NDSM Get Lost on July 25th, from 17h to 21h30.
1ST EDITION | “DOOLHOOF” by resident Eveline Alders
In Dutch, 'doolhof' is not necessarily synonymous with labyrinth, though often it is translated like this. The Dutch 'doolhof' can also be an environment where you can wander and get lost endlessly. You may in fact never find your way out. To Eveline, the word 'doolhof' immediately brings up words like 'doolhoofd' or 'dwaalhoofd' (wandering head).
A labyrinth, often laid out near or in a church or monastery, for example, is intended to allow you to quietly examine a thought or problem while walking a specific, unambiguous route – a walking meditation, with at the end of the route hopefully a new insight.
Eveline's 'doolhoofd' is giving a perspective of how to find your way in your own personal labyrinth. The visitor is invited to find out whether it helps them find calm or loose the way.
About Eveline Alders |
After many years of set and costume designing and several other careers Eveline Alders wanted to work out all the stories, plans and ideas in her head as an autonomous artist. She found embroidery as for now the proper medium for getting out these stories and have been working on them for about 3 years now.