4 Jun
Live at Treehouse NDSM: imprevisti & The Amber Hunters
June 4, 2024

Time: 20h - 23h30          Price: €10 + admin. costs (tickets available at the door)

Two local bands from Amsterdam will share the stage for an evening of Jazz with influences of Funk/Electronic and Folk. Join them for a concert of warm and exciting music by young professional musicians from the local scene. 


20h | Doors open
20h30 | Imprevisti
22h | The Amber Hunters

At the venue there will be a bar!


The “imprevisti” quartet is instrumental band. The main focus of the group is to explore the nuances of story telling through music. The band plays a set of music composed by Lorenzo Servali. Lorenzo's music is nostalgic from intimate and warm memories. His music is universal and his capacity to collaborate has caused his music to carry influence of his co-musicians and direct musical environment. The sound of this band is dynamic, taking inspiration from folk and electronic music in a jazz context .

Guy Salamon (Drums), Luca Zennaro (Guitar) and Paolo Petrecca (Trumpet) will be Joining the group for this summer tour, presenting the “imprevisti” record that will be released on Irma Records , around 15th June.

More info about Imprevisti: Spotify


The Amber Hunters, a six-member energetic band that builds a bridge between raw 70's funk\fusion sounds and contemporary grooves. Tight rhythms, powerful riffs and well-articulated horn lines are at the band's foundation, yet there is enough space for individual and collective jazz-influenced improvisations to stand out in their music. Amber Hunters came to life in 2021 when they were still part of the world-renowned Conservatorium van Amsterdam. Since then, the band has been active in the Netherlands and has performed internationally, featuring world-known musicians such as Yoràn Vroom, Bart Fermie, Justs Sirmais, Karl Frierson, and more. In 2022, Amber Hunters released their first single, "New Wheels," and in 2023, in collaboration with Amsterdam-based record label "Wicked Wax," their second single "Hyacinthia" came out.

More info about The Amber Hunter: Spotify

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tt. neveritaweg 55-57
1033 WB Amsterdam, NH